Production Proven, Complex Semiconductor IP Cores

Semiconductor IP Cores

T2M SerDes 112G Serdes PHY IP in N7

112G Serdes PHY IP in N7


112G Serdes PHY IP is an extra Long Reach (42dB) solution at 112Gbps PAM4. It contains an on-chip real-time monitor for channel quality and receiver eye measurement, as well as a programmable ADC with multi-rate DSP that maintains low SerDes latency at various data rates from 1.25 to 112Gbps with adjustable configurations. IEEE802.3bj/cd/ck, InfiniBand EDR, and OIF CEI-112G-LR/MR/XSR Electrical Interfaces are all present in the IP core.


  • Supports 112Gbps/56Gbps PAM4 / 28G NRZ

  • Supports long reach (42dB @ 28GHz) 

  • Pre-FEC BER < 1e-6 at 112Gbps PAM4

  • Pre-FEC BER < 1e-15 at 56Gbps NRZ

  • Supports 100 ~400MHz reference clock input.

  • 8-tap FIR for Transmit De-emphasis

  • ADC/DSP-based Receiver

    • MMSE-based baud rate CDR

    • Fast Auto-Adaptive Blind Equalization

    • Robust Baud-rate Clock Data Recovery

  • Channel-loss based Power scaling

  • Supports non-destructive RX monitor in mission mode.

  • Robust clock and data recovery and excellent PAM4 signal integrity performance

  • Push-button Blind Receiver Training

  • Independent programming for each TX or RX lane:

    • data rate, reset, power down

  • PRBS Generator and Checker (7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 23, 31 and user-defined)

  • PAM4 gray coding, precoding, polarity inversion

  • RX supports DC/AC connections

  • I2C Interface for diagnostics and firmware update  Line and System Loopback modes


  • GDSII & layer map

  • Place-Route views (.LEF)

  • Liberty library (.lib)

  • Verilog behaviour model

  • Netlist & SDF timing

  • Layout guidelines, application notes

  • LVS/DRC verification reports


  • High reliability: equalizes any closed RX eye and achieves superior pre- and post-FEC Bit Error Rate, with minimal DFE error propagation, resulting in high reliability for enterprise, cloud, and 5G infrastructure applications.

  • High robustness: CDR maintains lock at extreme Insertion Loss over extreme temperature sweeps, critical for minimizing downtime in infrastructure applications

  • Low power: A novel low power scalable ADC architecture embedded in Clock-Data-Recovery with near zero power overhead delivers the best performance & power over the full range of insertion loss.

  • Easy chip integration and bring-up: through our proprietary performance tuning algorithm and extensive software API support